APT Career Academy
APT’s new career academy offers full tuition engineering scholarships to successful applicants in partnership with UW Platteville. The recruiting plan focuses in on partnering with local high schools and tech colleges in the Milwaukee area to give students real world experience within the manufacturing industry.
One of the main emphases APT emphasizes in the program is to let young adults know that there are options besides the traditional college route that has been the overwhelming message for many years. The overall goal for this project is to attract employees who want to start a meaningful career, coupling this with the excellent benefits and career path opportunities, APT feels that employees can set themselves up to have great success.
Community Involvement: Milwaukee Rescue Mission
It is a strongly held belief by the management team of Advanced Plating Technologies that the success of a company can be used to benefit the community of a company. Since 1997 Advanced Plating Technologies has partnered with the Milwaukee Rescue Mission to make a difference in the lives of homeless and displaced persons/families within the Milwaukee community.
The Milwaukee Rescue Mission provides more than help but rather hope to homeless men or women and their families in the Milwaukee community. They offer a rebuilding approach through short and long term housing assistance, meals, counseling, help in overcoming substance abuse, job training and education. Their approach is not a short-term fix but rather a way for persons who want help to find a new direction in their lives. It is a core belief at Advanced Plating Technologies that a community can become stronger through support systems offered by the Milwaukee Rescue Mission.
We are proud to be able to support an organization that truly helps and changes the lives of persons within the community daily. Advanced Plating Technologies contributes biannually to this organization through funds raised throughout the year by employee involvement and company donations. This year Advanced Plating Technologies looks forward to providing more assistance than in any previous year due to continued support and company growth. Be sure to follow us on our various social media pages to see additional community involvement as well as news that we share about the Milwaukee Rescue Mission and other organizations across Milwaukee.